Real Estate Glossary

Real Estate Glossary

There are 17 entries in this glossary.
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Resident Architect.

Hits - 2443
Raw Land

Land in its natural state. Land that has not been subdivided into lots, does not have water, sewers, streets, utilities, or other improvements necessary before a structure can be constructed.

Hits - 1786
Real Property

(i) Land and anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, fences, and those things attached to the buildings, such as light fixtures, plumbing and heating fixtures, or other items which would be personal property if not attached. (ii) May refer to rights in real property as well as the property itself.

Hits - 2402

That portion of the gain from the sale of real estate that is taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Calculated as the difference between the accelerated depreciation taken and the straight-line depreciation that would have been allowed.

Hits - 1727

The right of a lender or holder of a note secured by a mortgage to look to the personal assets of the borrower or endorser for payment should the borrower default, not just to the property.

Hits - 1840

A building undergoing extensive renovation in order to cure obsolescence. Some rehab projects are so extensive that tenants may not be in the building during the work period.

Hits - 1828
Renewal Option

The right of a tenant to renew (i.e., extend the term of) a lease for a stated period of time and rent at an amount that can be determined.

Hits - 1910

Consideration paid for the occupancy and use of real property. A general term covering any consideration (not only money).

Hits - 3345
Rent Commencement Date

The date on which a tenant begins paying rent. Depending upon the nature of the marketplace, it may coincide with the lease commencement date or it may be several months after. It will never begin before the lease commencement date.

Hits - 1881
Rent-Up Period

The period of time following construction of a new building when tenants are actively sought and the project is approaching stabilized occupancy.

Hits - 2211
Rentable Square Feet

Usable square feet plus a percentage (the core factor) of the common areas on the floor, including hallways, bathrooms and telephone closets. (And sometimes main lobbies.) Rentable square footage is the number of square feet on which a tenant's rent is based.

Hits - 1898
Rentable/Usable Ratio

The number resulting from dividing the Total Rentable Area in a building by the Usable Area. The inverse of this ratio describes the proportion of space that an occupant can expect to utilize.

Hits - 1850
Rental Concession

See Also: Abatement

Hits - 1722
REO (Real Estate Owned)

All real estate directly owned by a lender, including real estate taken to satisfy a debt. Includes real estate acquired by lenders through foreclosure; or in settlement of any other obligation to the lender.

Hits - 1936
Right of First Refusal
Hits - 1601

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