Real Estate Glossary

Real Estate Glossary

There are 4 entries in this glossary.
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Term Main definition
Open Space

The total area of land and/or water not improved by a building, structure, street, road or parking area, or containing only, such improvements as are complementary, necessary or appropriate to the use and enjoyment of the open area.

Hits - 2304
Operating Cost Escalation

Refers to the clause in a lease agreement used to adjust rents over the term of a lease.

Hits - 1707
Operating Expenses

The actual cost of operating income-producing property, including utilities and similar day-to-day expensed, taxes, insurance and reserves for the replacement of items that wear out.

Hits - 2494

Rights to the use, enjoyment and alienation of property to the exclusion of others.

Hits - 2228

San Francisco Property Management

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San Francisco, CA 94108


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